Monday, October 26, 2009

Butterfly Love

I finally got some photos of butterflies in my garden. Even though they were the same variety, it is very exciting. I had to click fast, because they certainly don't wait for you. They were flitting about most of the time, as butterflies are wont to do. So I learned patience. A moving object is just hard to photograph.

The Gulf Fritilary

They are common visitors in my garden, but so busy in flight, that I hardly get a close look at them. Here it is perched on a passion flower, favorite of the insects and hummingbirds.

Lovely fluttering creature, for a moment I have the honor of breathing in your essence. Quiet you are on a blossom or leaf.


Wings closed tight I see the inner beauty of your flight. In your aberrant flight you seem not to know where you fly. But you find the flower or leaf that you need and settle into a momentary stasis. If I could be you for a moment, wings outspread in the sun, flying on the drafts of air. Velvet wings. Searching antenna. Seeking the light and the air.


So delicate, so ephemeral, the stuff dreams are made of, I bow to you little flittering creature of the air.


Lona said...

What a beauty. There is something so graceful about butterflies. Wonderful pictures Mary.

Randy Emmitt said...

I don't know if you noticed but that lady Gulf Fritillary was laying eggs on your passion vine!
We have been taking photos of butterflies in my garden for 12+ years 78 species so far. If fact the last new species we had was a Gulf Fritillary.

Nell Jean said...

Good captures! It isn't easy. Isn't the iridescence on the underside of their wings beautiful? They're out and about when the Swallowtails have left for the summer, Gulf Frits. I see them sunning themselves on leaves.

Today I was fortunate enough to catch with the camera, a Monarch and a Buckeye. Some days there are none, some days a joyful plenty. I tell myself I have plenty of butterfly pics and then can't resist just a few more.

Deborah at Kilbourne Grove said...

You are very quick with your camera, great photos.

James David said...

Nice to see butterflies here. Regardless how many times I see them, I always enjoy seeing more.
Thanks for sharing - hope those butterflies didn't lay eggs on your passiflora vine plant to be eaten away by caterpillars.

Kylee Baumle said...

Such pretty photos of the butterfly in all its fluttery goodness. I can imagine being right there, watching.

Urban Green said...

Lovely shots of the fluttering creatures. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

There can never be enough butterfly pictures! It is hard to take photos, especialy close-ups, but you have done it wonderfully.

Dee/reddirtramblings said...

Congratulations on capturing those beauties in flight. It's very hard to do. Enjoy them. Ours have finally flown the coop. :) ~~Dee

Victoria said...

Those are such beautiful photos! What a gorgeous butterfly!! Yay, is definately challenging to capture shots of moving butterflies!! Great work.I always find that special moment with the buttferly brings a new charm to the day!Lovely!!

Chloe m said...

Even though it was difficult to snap these beauties, it was worth it! Your patience paid off,Mary Delle! So pretty!

Noelle Johnson said...

I do love butterflies, but have trouble taking good pictures of them. I think the Gulf Fritallary is my favorite. We have them here in Arizona too!

Teresa said...

These are so beautiful. Great shots of them too. It was your lucky day that he posed for you.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I enjoyed your photos and words to accompany them. Beautiful! I don't think we have that kind of butterfly here in Nebraska.

Muhammad khabbab said...

beautiful. second last shot was just awesome.

Scott & Liz said...

I like the sense of motion in the last shot, the foreground is crisp, the background gives depth of field and the butterfly is on the move. Great images.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Maybe, they are fairies? So beautiful!